Thai Journal of Botany
Article's details
Title: The genus Gynura (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) in Thailand
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Pages: 25 - 36
Year: 2552
Year No.: 1
Volume: 1   Show All Articles
Abstract: A taxonomic study of the genus Gynura Cass. in Thailand is presented. Ten taxa were enumerated, namely Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr., G. calciphila var. calciphila Kerr, G. calciphila var. dissecta F.G. Davies, G. integrifolia Gagnep., G. pseudochina (L.) DC., G. nepalensis DC., G. hmopaengensis H. Koyama, G. cusimbua (D.Don) S. Moore, G. bicolor (Roxb. ex Willd.) DC. and G. sp.
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